Smart Food Working Habits in Italy

APG gathered information from Italians regarding their lunch-eating habits, during the COVID-19 pandemic, using a survey via Instagram stories. According to the survey, Italians preferred healthy and light foods, such as a light salad over lasagna and pasta, and foods, such as American pistachios, that can be quickly eaten, are easy to digest and highly nutritious. The November 2 survey findings led APG to create and distribute a press release titled, "Smart Food Habits While Working from Home."

Smart Food Working Habits in Italy

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Monday, February 6, 2023

American Pistachio Growers threw a pistachio party at the Clovis Farmer's Market in September. Chefs from the Institute of Technology created pistachio dishes including pistachio bark, pistachio cookies and pistachio pie for booth visitors to sample. Several local vendors joined the party by sharing their own pistachio treats.