Studies have investigated the effect pistachio nuts specifically have during pregnancy on gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Assaf-Balut et al. conducted a prospective, randomized, controlled trial (San Carlos Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Prevention Study) to evaluate the incidence of GDM with either a control diet (standard diet with limited fat intake) or a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil and pistachios. One thousand normoglycemic (
In the early 2000s, Dan Buettner, a National Geographic Fellow, and a team of demographers, anthropologists and researchers identified five areas around the world that had the highest concentration of centenarians and coined the term “Blue Zones” to describe these five regions.
Equally important to performance are fats. Although much demonized in the past, we now appreciate how important the right blend of fats in our diets is for health and performance.
Recovery nutrition is all about giving the body the fuel it needs to replenish, rebuild and adapt to the training stimulus it has endured. If fuel isn’t provided, the gains from the workout will be compromised and will limit performance and adaptation in subsequent sessions.
Both protein and fats are known as macronutrients and, along with carbohydrates, are primarily used for growth, repair and energy production. Think of them as “go nutrients.”
Being at home, we sometimes have unusual cravings. One way to combat these cravings is to make sure we get an adequate source of protein. One tasty, ready-to-eat, complete-protein option is pistachios.
With stay-at-home orders in full effect, many Californians are struggling to find ways to exercise and eat in a way that will help their physical and mental well-being.
Professional athletes or people trying to live a healthier lifestyle, need protein. The body uses protein for a variety of functions including building, strengthening, and repairing tissues.
Complete proteins are foods that contain all of the essential amino acids. Essential amino acids, which are building blocks for strong muscles, hormones, nutrient transporters and a robust immune system, must be consumed in the diet.
Ignore fads, trending tips, and conflicting messages. Here are some key tips to kick off your healthy eating habits and avoid adding those unwanted pounds while at home: